There's a good chance you know someone who wears contacts or glasses. You might be one of them. In our culture, wearing contacts and glasses is common. They are necessary for many people to address one or more vision issues. If you already use glasses, you might occasionally wonder if contacts are a good, viable, or superior alternative for you compared to glasses.

For many people, contacts might be a wise decision for a variety of reasons. If you are athletic or active, you might discover that contacts are more suitable for your way of life. In other situations, you might simply prefer your appearance with contacts than glasses.
But how can you tell if contacts are indeed the best option for you? Although you should discuss this with your eye doctor, the following observations may give you some food for thought before doing so.
Choosing the Right Contacts There are many different types of contact lenses available, including soft and hard lenses. Considerable alternatives include daily wear, prolonged wear, and disposable lenses. Depending on the vision problem you need to address, your lifestyle, personal preferences, and comfort, the type of lens that may be the best fit for you.
For people with a variety of visual issues, including the following, contacts may be appropriate:
People that are nearsighted have trouble seeing objects in the distance. Contacts often work well for correcting nearsighted vision.
People who have astigmatism have an irregular curvature of their lens or cornea, which affects how the eye processes light. It can lead to blurry vision. Depending on the severity of astigmatism, contacts are an option, though certain types of contact lenses such as hard or gas-permeable lenses may work better.
Presbyopia is considered an age-related eye condition, which involves a decreased ability to see up-close objects clearly. Presbyopia is extremely common over the age of 40. Both multifocal and monovision contacts can be good options for people who have presbyopia. Multifocal lenses have two different lens powers, including one for near and one for distance, while monovision lenses provide correction for either close or far vision. Choosing a monovision contact may mean needing to continue to wear glasses for certain activities, such as reading.
When Contacts May Not Be Your Best Option
Despite the fact that the majority of people who wear glasses can also use contacts, there are several situations in which this may not be the best choice. There are certain things to keep in mind for some. It's crucial to comprehend how contacts could influence your eyes if you suffer from any of the disorders listed below.
Dry Eye Syndrome Wearing contacts will usually not lead to dry eye syndrome, but if you already have dry eyes, wearing contacts may make the condition worse. If you have dry eyes, wearing lenses may make your eyes feel gritty or scratchy, which makes wearing contacts for more than a few hours difficult. If you have dry eye syndrome, particularly a mild to moderate condition, you may still be able to wear contacts if you prefer. Soft lenses tend to be a better option for dry eyes, since they allow more water retention than hard lenses. Eye Allergies Wearing contact lenses can be challenging if you have seasonal allergies that affect your eyes. If you have eye allergies, you probably experience redness, itchiness, and even discharge from your eyes. Allergies can make contacts uncomfortable. If you have seasonal allergies, you may want to consider switching to glasses when your allergy symptoms are flaring. Some people also have an allergic reaction to the lens itself. Contact lenses are constantly touching the surface of the eye. The lens material or the contact lens solution can lead to an allergic reaction in some people. If you do not have a history of seasonal allergies and suddenly develop eye allergy symptoms after wearing contacts, talk to your eye doctor. You might be able to switch to a different type of lens or solution. Blepharitis Blepharitis involves inflammation of the eyelid. It is more common in people that have oily skin. If you have blepharitis, you are at an increased risk of developing an eye infection if you wear contacts. Treatment for blepharitis may be recommended before wearing contacts.
Tips for Wearing Contact Lenses
If you are considering swapping your glasses for contacts, consider the following tips:
Be sure to have regular eye checkups.
Remove lenses at the first sign of an infection.
Follow all lens instructions, including how long the lenses can be worn.
Always wash your hands when handlining your contact lenses.
Remember, contacts are not a one size fits all type of thing. If your lenses are uncomfortable or your vision is not clear, talk with your eye doctor.
While contact lenses are often appropriate for people who need glasses to correct a vision issue, it’s always best to discuss the pros and cons with your eye doctor. Also, even if you wear contact lenses all the time, always have a pair of eyeglasses available, just in case you need them.